One of the forms in FinalForms is the Free and Reduced Lunch form. You may think that doesn't apply to you, but it may! Check out all of these reasons it helps our school out and possibly your family (see the image in this post). Thank you!
KCCC's FFA students had a great week at the Knox County Fair! Congratulations!
*Photos submitted courtesy of Mr. Campbell, KCCC's Landscape Design & Management instructor.
Lori Smith, Marketing & Recruiting Specialist at Washington County Career Center, talks about transforming lives through career training. Check out the thirty minute segment below:
KCCC students in Landscape Design & Management held their summer FFA meeting at Kokosing Camp & Canoe in Millwood. The students had a great time with Mr. Campbell tubing down the river!
KCCC staff & administration, along with representatives from Kokosing, celebrated current KCCC students and graduates for all their hard work and accomplishments this summer while working at Kokosing. Kokosing catered in On The Rise Bar-B-Que for lunch & highlighted projects our KCCC students have been working on all summer.
We're hiring! A full-time Administrative Assistant to the Special Education Department is available at Knox County Career Center. The job posting is available on our website:
Reminder: Sales Tax Holiday starts tomorrow!
Schedule Pick-Up Day Wednesday, August 7
Schedule your appointment today via the link below or the QR code in this post.
***FinalForms must be completed by the parent/guardian prior to picking up your schedule. We are asking you to complete your FinalForms prior to arriving for Schedule Pick-Up Day on Wed, August 7th if at all possible. Please check under "What's Happening" on our website ( or our social media posts for more information on FinalForms.
Please email us at or call us at 740-397-5820 with any questions.
The Children's Garden will be closed until further notice due to vandalism.
Knox County Career Center is partnering with FinalForms for all of our online forms for the 2024-2025 school year. This partnership should create a user-friendly approach to completing online forms.
FinalForms need to be completed by each student’s parent or guardian by the first day of school. However, in order for students to pick up their schedule, each student’s parent or guardian will need to complete FinalForms. FinalForms can be completed at KCCC on Schedule Pick-Up Day but we encourage parents or guardians to complete them prior to Schedule Pick-Up Day if at all possible.
Please read the following information carefully prior to completing FinalForms.
Below we have provided information that will help you complete your FinalForms. We are happy to assist you should you have any questions along the way. Please contact us at 740-397-5820.
Items of note:
*Parents/Guardians - You will receive an email (See FinalForms Instructions PDF) from FinalForms. Please click the link and create your password. AFTER COMPLETING YOUR PASSWORD - The next page will ask you to verify your student’s activities. Do not do anything with this. Scroll down and click “Skip, not a student-athlete”, which is in green. From there you’ll be able to start completing your FinalForms. IMPORTANT: If you DO NOT receive an email from FinalForms (see sample in the FinalForms Instructions PDF) please contact us at 740-397-5820.
*Returning students - You will not receive an email from FinalForms until your parent/guardian completes their portion of FinalForms. Once your parent/guardian completes their forms you will receive an email through your school email that prompts you to create a password and then complete your FinalForms.
*New students - You will not have access to your school email until the first day of school. At that point, you will follow the same steps as returning students (see above).
*Knox County Career Center’s FinalForms are not connected to your associate school’s FinalForms for school and/or athletics.
FinalForms Instructions PDF - Click the link:
Schedule Pick-Up Day
Wednesday, August 7
Schedule your appointment today via the link below or the QR code in this post.
***FinalForms must be completed by the parent/guardian prior to picking up your schedule. We are asking you to complete your FinalForms prior to arriving for Schedule Pick-Up Day on Wed, August 7th if at all possible. Please check under "What's Happening" on our website ( or our social media posts for more information on FinalForms.
Please email us at or call us at 740-397-5820 with any questions.
Knox County Career Center is partnering with FinalForms for all of our online forms for the 2024-2025 school year. This partnership should create a user-friendly approach to completing online forms.
FinalForms need to be completed by each student’s parent or guardian by the first day of school. However, in order for students to pick up their schedule, each student’s parent or guardian will need to complete FinalForms. FinalForms can be completed at KCCC on Schedule Pick-Up Day but we encourage parents or guardians to complete them prior to Schedule Pick-Up Day if at all possible.
Below we have provided information that will help you complete your FinalForms. We are happy to assist you should you have any questions along the way. Please contact us at 740-397-5820.
Items of note:
*Parents/Guardians - You will receive an email (See FinalForms Instructions PDF) from FinalForms. Please click the link and create your password. AFTER COMPLETING YOUR PASSWORD - The next page will ask you to verify your student’s activities. Do not do anything with this. Scroll down and click “Skip, not a student-athlete”, which is in green. From there you’ll be able to start completing your FinalForms. IMPORTANT: If you DO NOT receive an email from FinalForms (see sample in the FinalForms Instructions PDF) please contact us at 740-397-5820.
*Returning students - You will not receive an email from FinalForms until your parent/guardian completes their portion of FinalForms. Once your parent/guardian completes their forms you will receive an email through your school email that prompts you to create a password and then complete your FinalForms.
*New students - You will not have access to your school email until the first day of school. At that point, you will follow the same steps as returning students (see above).
*Knox County Career Center’s FinalForms are not connected to your associate school’s FinalForms for school and/or athletics.
FinalForms Instructions PDF - Click the link:
2023-2024 KCCC Yearbook Distribution
Stop in and pick up your yearbook if you ordered one!
One of the forms in FinalForms is the Free and Reduced Lunch form. You may think that doesn't apply to you, but it may!
Check out all of these reasons it helps our school out and possibly your family (see the image in this post). Thank you!
Schedule Pick-Up Day
Wednesday, August 7
Schedule your appointment today via the link below or the QR code in this post.
Please email us at or call us at 740-397-5820 with any questions.
Knox County Fair
July 21-27
Knox County Career Center is partnering with FinalForms for all of our online forms for the 2024-2025 school year. This partnership should create a user-friendly approach to completing online forms.
FinalForms need to be completed by each student’s parent or guardian by the first day of school. However, in order for students to pick up their schedule, each student’s parent or guardian will need to complete FinalForms. FinalForms can be completed at KCCC on Schedule Pick-Up Day but we encourage parents or guardians to complete them prior to Schedule Pick-Up Day if at all possible.
Below we have provided information that will help you complete your FinalForms. We are happy to assist you should you have any questions along the way. Please contact us at 740-397-5820.
Items of note:
*Parents/Guardians - You will receive an email (See FinalForms Instructions PDF) from FinalForms. Please click the link and create your password. From there you’ll be able to start completing your FinalForms. IMPORTANT: If you DO NOT receive an email from FinalForms (see sample in the FinalForms Instructions PDF) please contact us at 740-397-5820.
*Returning students - You will not receive an email from FinalForms until your parent/guardian completes their portion of FinalForms. Once your parent/guardian completes their forms you will receive an email through your school email that prompts you to create a password and then complete your FinalForms.
*New students - You will not have access to your school email until the first day of school. At that point, you will follow the same steps as returning students (see above).
*Knox County Career Center’s FinalForms are not connected to your associate school’s FinalForms for school and/or athletics.
FinalForms Instructions PDF - Click the link:
Reminder: Sales Tax Holiday coming up in two weeks!
Congratulations to Madisyn Weekley (CollegeU-Business, 2024) and Kennedy Auker (Landscape Design & Management, 2025) on being selected as Knox County Junior Fair Queen candidates. Good luck ladies!
I loved my lab and classes but my favorite part of my KCCC experience was JROTC. Integrity is doing what's right even when no one is looking. I learned that while in JROTC and I live by it today!