KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.

KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.

KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.

KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.

Mrs. Metzger's AgScience 2 class completed a Dairy Industry unit. Students learned about different types of dairy (cow, goat, sheep, and plant-based) by performing a Lactose-Intolerance Lab. Students tested different types of dairy products and the levels of lactose in each and then learned why some people can't tolerate the enzyme lactose.
Students had the opportunity to participate in making and tasting dairy edible products. Students made their own ice cream in a bag. Next, they used a simple recipe to make their own butter. Lastly, students attempted to make mozzarella cheese. It didn't turn out exactly how it was intended to but students brainstormed how to fix it the next time!
Great engaging and learning opportunities for our students!

KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

January is School Board Recognition Month! We would like to thank our school board members for serving on the KCCC School Board. We appreciate everything you do!
KCCC School Board Members:
-Jody Goetzman (President)
-Margie Bennett (Vice President)
-Vicki Bechtel
-Bruce Gregg
-William Hope
-Donald Rogers
-Steven Thompson

Ms.Mindy, a senior in Early Childhood Education (ECE), taught lessons on Growing to our KCCC Preschool children! Children learned that seeds need soil, water, and sun to grow and that we eat many things that grow from seeds.
Some of the activities children participated in included:
-fruit stamping
-fruit and vegetable sorting
-exploring the parts of a plant
Students in ECE enjoy preparing our young children to enter kindergarten!

Knox County Area Development Foundation held their monthly WorkDev meeting at Knox County Career Center (KCCC) on Wednesday, January 22nd. After the regular meeting KCCC & Knox Technical Center (KTC) representatives gave tours & talked about our programs to all who attended the meeting and answered questions along the way. Great opportunity to showcase all the positive things we are doing at KCCC & KTC!

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

The Associates Degree in Business Management earned by CollegeU-Business students mandates students to complete 168 hours of experience in the field during their last semester. Partnering with local businesses, students are given the opportunity to assess and use the concepts and ideals learned during their two years in the program. This time spent in the "real world of business" is priceless.

Mr. Clippinger, KCCC's Building Trades instructor, began OSHA 10 Training with juniors in Landscape Design & Management last week.
Stay tuned to find out what Mr. Campbell, KCCC's Landscape Design & Management instructor, has been working on with juniors in Building Trades.

KCCC's staff handed out career center bucks during our three lunch periods last week to students for 2nd quarter perfect and exemplary attendance along with being on the honor and merit roll. Congratulations! Great job!