Second-quarter Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) rewards were distributed to students with perfect and exemplary attendance, and students who made the honor roll or merit roll. Great job!
Seniors in Individualized Career Exploration (I.C.E.) covered tables and did pocket napkin folds to set up an awards banquet for the Mount Vernon Fire Department recently.
Great opportunity for our students to assist with a community event!
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.
KCCC Preschool
Now enrolling for 2024-2025
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.
Seniors in Pre-Professional Mentorship (PPM) participated in Lifepoint Church's Backpacks for Hope program. Backpacks for Hope provides bags of food for local children in need. Students from PPM learned all about this program and prepared bags of food for each child, and organized them by school, so they could be delivered by a Lifepoint Church representative.
KCCC students from Computer Network Technology, Pre-Professional Mentorship, Digital Media & Software Development, and CollegeU-Business competed in the Business Professionals of America (BPA) Region IV Competition last week. Students competed in a variety of categories against the following schools: Delaware Area Career Center, Highland HS, Tri-Rivers Career Center, and Rutherford B. Hayes HS. Thank you to our community partners for judging the event!! We appreciate you!!
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.
We're hiring! A full-time High School CollegeU-Business instructor is available at Knox County Career Center. Apply now at
We're hiring! A Long-Term Substitute High School Intervention Specialist is available at Knox County Career Center. Apply now at
We're hiring! A Long-Term Substitute Pre-Professional Mentorship instructor is available at Knox County Career Center. Apply now at
KCCC Announces 2nd Quarter Honor & Merit Roll
Students in HVAC worked on a custom project to fine-tune their skills in soldering and brazing.
Students in HVAC at Knox County Career Center work with sheet metal and learn soldering and brazing skills.
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.
Juniors in Cosmetology worked to attain their CPR certification recently with KCCC's Nurse Jenn O'Hara, who is a CPR-certified instructor. Great job, Cos juniors!!
Early Childhood Education (ECE) juniors worked in our on-site preschool of 3-5-year-olds. Students in the ECE program learn how to teach through play and center-based instruction, such as art, blocks, writing, and more. Soon, ECE juniors will write and implement their lesson plans in the KCCC Preschool.
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.