Knox County Career Center (KCCC) students in Landscape Design and Management competed in the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) National Collegiate Landscape Competition on March 12-15 in Provo, Utah. Oliver Ruprecht finished in 37th place overall (out of 595 students) with 277.50 points. Tristin Hankinson finished 14th of 32 in the Compact Excavator Operation. Oliver Ruprecht finished 6th of 40 in the Compact Track/Skid Steer Loader Operation. Tristin Hankinson and Oliver Ruprecht finished 21 of 32 in the Irrigation Assembly. Oliver Ruprecht and Aaron White finished 19th of 36 in the Truck and Trailer Operation. Jesse Rings and Aaron White competed in the Hardscape Installation. Jesse Rings, Layla Crase, and Oliver Ruprecht competed in Landscape Plant Installation. Layla Crase competed in Mini Truck Loader Operation. Great job!!!
10 months ago, KCCC
KCCC's Preschool classes celebrated 100 days of preschool recently. All the students loved dressing up and doing different activities. Some activities included giving a puppy 100 spots, writing about what they would like to buy with $100, and creating a 100-day crown. We also were counting by 10’s. The children loved dressing up!
10 months ago, KCCC
Juniors in Cosmetology practiced for State Board Testing that took place recently. Great news!! They all passed! Congratulations!
10 months ago, KCCC
Students in Culinary Arts prepared food recently for guests in the River Room Cafe. The students are working hard, at the direction of Chef Russo, to provide good food and a quality experience for guests. River Room Cafe hours for mid-April will be posted on social media shortly after we return from Spring Break.
10 months ago, KCCC
Students in CollegeU-Business on collecting data and inputting data into Microsoft Excel as part of their Spreadsheet course. The students had to decide upon the statistical data, and create a table and chart. As a class, they worked with Mrs. Murphy to apply conditional formatting and change the presentation of data by creating a pivot table. They discussed careers and decisions they may require this skill. Students in CollegeU-Business earn a highly transferable Associates Degree in Business Management and a high school diploma at the same time.
10 months ago, KCCC
CollegeU-Business juniors discussed details on designing and delivering business presentations including how to better organize your content and creating and adding visuals and multimedia. Students in CollegeU-Business experience a partnership between Central Ohio Technical College and Knox County Career Center.
10 months ago, KCCC
School Immunization Clinic Thursday, March 21st Knox Public Health will be hosting an in-school immunization clinic for current KCCC students only, on Thursday, March 21st. They will be offering meningitis immunization for juniors and seniors. Click the link for more information:
10 months ago, KCCC
Jennifer Ballenger, certified StrengthsFinder trainer, led the KCCC staff through StrengthsFinder training and activities during our KCCC Professional Development day. Thank you for the meaningful training!
10 months ago, KCCC
Juniors in Automotive Technology worked to replace a rear sub-frame on a customer vehicle that had become unsafe to drive due to corrosion. Students in Automotive Technology work on vehicles and mechanical systems in a modern automotive environment.
10 months ago, KCCC
Knox County Career Center (KCCC) students competed in the Business Professionals of America (BPA) State competition held in Columbus, Ohio on March 7 & 8. KCCC had six students qualify for nationals in the BPA State competition. The six national qualifiers from KCCC will have the option to compete in the BPA National Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL May 10-14. Jacob Spaulding, a junior in CollegeU-Business, won first place in Business Law and Ethics. Kaleb Randall, Will Stemen, Madison Wind, Brookelyn Yoder, and Kaylee Anderson, seniors in Pre-Professional Mentorship, won third place in Parliamentary Procedure. These six students qualified for the BPA National Leadership Conference. KCCC also had several students who placed at the BPA State competition. Tanner Nutter, a junior in CollegeU-Business, placed fourth in Ethics and Professionalism. Laura Page, a junior in CollegeU-Business, placed fourth in Entrepreneurship. Isaiah Campbell, Carter Thompson, Sami Lackonen, and Taylor Thorne, juniors in CollegeU-Business, placed fifth in the Financial Analyst Team. Ellie Hatfield, Taylor Bryant, Julia Partington, and Makaya Frazier, seniors in CollegeU-Business, placed fifth in the Global Marketing Team. Jack Davis, a senior in Digital Media & Software Development, placed sixth in Fundamentals of Desktop Publishing. William Hoeksema, senior in Computer Network Technology, placed eighth in Network Administration using Cisco. Ella Marofsky, a senior in Pre-Professional Mentorship, placed tenth in Presentation Management Individual. BPA is a career technical student organization that allows students to compete in various competitions in the areas of Finance, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, Digital Communications and Design, Management, Marketing and Communications, and Health Administration.
10 months ago, KCCC
Friday, March 15 NO SCHOOL Teacher PD Day
10 months ago, KCCC
Juniors in Computer Network Technology learned about the role of a router in a network. They learned how to configure a router and set the default gateway on a computer. Students later put that knowledge into practice by building and configuring a network in the lab. Students in Computer Network Technology obtain training in computer hardware repair and maintenance, software troubleshooting, and network administration.
10 months ago, KCCC
Today (March 13) and tomorrow (March 14) are the last two days the River Room Cafe will be open to the public until mid-April. We will post new dates/times once we have solidified. Make sure to have your ID on you when you check-in at the front office!
10 months ago, KCCC
Special Webinar to highlight Ohio Technical Centers (OTC) TODAY, Wednesday, March 13 6:30-8:30 pm Make sure to RSVP!
10 months ago, KCCC
Students in Precision Machining learned how to use our new 3D printer in lab recently. Precision Machining students work daily with the same advanced equipment and techniques as industry leaders! Current sophomores: Not sure of your plans for next school year? We still have room in our Precision Machining program at KCCC. Apply now at Questions? Feel free to email us at
10 months ago, KCCC
Students in Transitional Living Skills volunteer at Station Break once a month. In March they helped pack Solar Eclipse Gift Bags for senior citizens in the area. Each bag included a bag of Sun Chips, a Moon Pie, and a pair of solar eclipse glasses! KCCC enjoys being involved in the community and helping others!
10 months ago, KCCC
Mrs. Rine’s Anatomy & Physiology students are learning about the functions of the different parts of the brain. These brain hats helped the students learn the locations where we process speech, hearing, eyesight, motor functions, and more!
10 months ago, KCCC
Zandra Magabe, a sophomore in Career Based Intervention (CBI) at Knox County Career Center (KCCC), participated in Knox Public Health's Green Teen Garden Pilot Project. Read the article by clicking the link:
10 months ago, KCCC
KCCC seniors are able to earn the opportunity to take their career tech skills to businesses and industry during their senior year by meeting academic grade, attendance, behavior, and performance expectations in their career tech lab and academic classes.
10 months ago, KCCC
Juniors in HVAC played a game of "HVAC Baseball" (9 innings) where they had to answer questions relating to the HVAC material that was covered up to this point in class. Creative way to engage our students in learning! Students in HVAC develop skills in the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) aspects for HVAC systems.
10 months ago, KCCC