Cost is $335 for in-class/in-car
($345 for non-KCCC students)
Classes are available throughout the year. All current & incoming KCCC students who are 15 years and 5 months can register for the class.
Call 740-552-1639 or email to register. Students will need to provide their first and last name along with their KCCC lab they are enrolled in.
The Knox Public Health Drive to Succeed Grant can support students who need assistance with funding. See the guidelines and application below.
Blake, a junior in Metal Fabrication & Welding, refined his stick welding skills during the last week of school.
Students in Metal Fabrication & Welding use modern equipment and welding techniques to fabricate, assemble, and repair metal components.
We're hiring! A full-time High School Science Teacher is available at Knox County Career Center. The job posting is available on our website:
The Knox County Career Center Building Trades program recognized seven students who earned the status of “Building Trades Elite.”
“Building Trades Elite” (BT Elite) is a program generated by Colby Clippinger, KCCC Building Trades instructor, and the KCCC Building Trades Advisory Council that began in 2019-2020. The program’s criteria centers around attendance, discipline, industry credentialing, and extracurricular activities. A point system is set up where students earn points for attendance, grades, industry credentialing, and extracurricular activities. Students can lose points for being tardy, absent, and for discipline issues. In order to earn “BT Elite” status, students must earn 250 points and must maintain 250 points or higher until graduation to keep the “BT Elite” status.
The “BT Elite” program is completely company-sponsored according to Clippinger. Students who earn “BT Elite” status are awarded a hoodie and an interview shirt. The companies pay for the hoodies and interview shirts. The hoodie has the Building Trades Elite crest on the back along with the company sponsors. The student’s name and “BT Elite” are on the front of the hoodie. The interview shirt has “BT Elite” and the student’s name on the front.
Students (pictured L to R) Edward Rodriguez, Javier Sica-Gonzalez, William Armstrong, Timothy Garven, Jason Robbins, Heidi Purdum, and Samuel Swendal earned “BT Elite” status recently and received their hoodies and interview shirts. Fifty-two students from the Building Trades program have now earned “BT Elite” status since its inception.
KC & the Building Trades program would like to thank the companies who sponsor “BT Elite.” Thank you to J & B Acoustical, Ohio Contractors Association, ProTech Basement Solutions, LiUNA! Local 1216, Kokosing, Corna Kokosing, Brennstuhl Construction, Modern Builders, Gray Mechanical, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 735, Holmes Rental & Sales, Meade Roofing Services, Small’s Sand & Gravel, Ellis Brothers, Igel, Ruhlin, and Rietschlin Construction for partnering with us!
Alyssa Higgs and Jazmine Spayde presented their conspiracy theory project dressed as aliens in Mr. Cline's class during the last week of school!
Congratulations to Caroline Gladman, a junior in Health Technologies, who earned her Ohio State Tested Nurse Aide (STNA) certification! Great job!
Monday, May 27
Memorial Day
Offices Closed
Students in Anatomy & Physiology ended their school year with pig dissections. At the conclusion of the dissection, they had the opportunity to suture their pigs back up! Mrs. Eisaman and Mrs. Rine collaborated on this fun activity to give the students this unique opportunity.
Landscape Design & Management and Building Trades repaired the Centerburg Local Schools practice football field. Students hauled topsoil to raise low areas. They then seeded and strawed the field and did core verification on the entire field. Great job!
KCCC held their annual End of the Year Staff Meeting and handed out awards for Perfect Attendance, New Hires, 1st Year Survival Awards, 5 Years of Service, 10 Years of Service, 15 Years of Service, 20 Years of Service, and 25 Years of Service. KCCC's staff also won the Knox Workplace Walking Challenge. Retirees were also recognized and celebrated. Congratulations to Don McDaniel and Tammy Klein on their retirement from the Knox County Career Center! THANK YOU for all you've done to serve the students and staff at KCCC!
KCCC celebrates our seniors with "Senior Spotlights" featuring each senior, their lab, the high school they are from, and their plans upon graduation. Congrats, seniors!!
2024 Senior Stats
Congratulations, Class of 2024!
Friday, May 24
Last Day of School for Sophomores & Juniors
Have a great summer!
Congratulations to McKayla Blakely, senior in Collision Repair, on being selected as the recipient of the 2024 Darrell Parks Student Scholarship and Workforce Award. This scholarship is awarded in recognition of their outstanding achievements and dedication to their career-technical education. McKayla was selected as the winner out of 515 applications.
Congratulations, McKayla! We are proud of you!
Dee Smith, recently appointed Executive Director of Ohio ACTE (Association of Career Technical Educators), and members of her staff (Emily Brockway and
Lincoln Depre) visited the district as part of their state-wide tour. We appreciated their time and interest in the great opportunities our district offers preschoolers, high schoolers, and adults in Knox County and surrounding areas.
Congratulations to KC Alum Nate Bryant on being selected as the 2024 Sam Hankinson Distinguished Alumnus Award winner. Nate completed the Metal Fabrication & Welding program at KCCC in 2008. He worked for Meritor Heavy Truck Axles in the metallurgy lab during his senior year. Nate attended Ohio State University where he earned his B.S. in Welding Engineering. He is now the lead engineer for Hendrickson Auxiliary Axle Systems in Hebron, Ohio. Nate serves on the advisory board at KCCC and continues to stay active in the program by hosting and judging SkillsUSA events.
Congratulations, Nate!
Health Technologies students took a trip on the S/S Traumacana, where the ship Doctor, Aaron Rescew, fell ill and had to have an emergency air evacuation, leaving the KCCC Health Tech students to attend to the illnesses on board. They learned how to suture Chef's finger, which was cut from his knife demo, give IM injections for motion sickness, and start IVs for food poisoning from the raw oyster bar.
Students in Health Technologies apply advanced health care concepts, processes, and diagnostic procedures in a clinical environment.
KCCC's Early Childhood Education (ECE) program & Preschool went on a field trip to Heartland Resort. Students were able to pet and feed many animals that we learned about this year! The ECE students practiced their supervision skills while on a field trip. It was a great learning opportunity for all!
SENIOR BREAKFAST: KCCC Administration served the seniors on their last day of school today! The seniors had a great last morning together!
KCCC celebrates our seniors with "Senior Spotlights" featuring each senior, their lab, the high school they are from, and their plans upon graduation. Congrats, seniors!!