Juniors in Collision Repair started on their panel project this week. Students really enjoyed this project! Mr. Adams surprised them by damaging each project and now students will learn how to fix the panel. Students in Collision Repair design, paint, and refinish vehicles using modern welding, sanding, masking, painting, and creative airbrush procedures.
5 months ago, KCCC
REMINDER: Picture Day is Thursday, August 29th at KCCC. Picture forms were distributed at Schedule Pick-Up Day to students & families. Picture forms are available in your student's English class or in the front office if you didn't attend SPU Day or didn't get a picture form. You can also order pictures online via the website & code in this post. Please email Mr. Bellman at nbellman@knoxcc.org if you have questions. Thank you!
5 months ago, KCCC
Students in Mrs. Allbaugh's Chemistry class participated in a lab called "Can You Contain the Glo?" It was a safety and cleanliness lab. Students used glo powder to determine if contamination was occurring during our lab (creating a mini volcano) and also to see if students did a good job of cleaning as well.
5 months ago, KCCC
Juniors in Digital Media & Software Development continued to learn about photography. They are learning about the rule of thirds and how to get an audience to interact with their photography. Students went out to the Children's Garden to work on taking pictures. Students in Digital Media & Software Development create dynamic publications with Photoshop and Illustration.
5 months ago, KCCC
Sports Medicine & Exercise Science students collaborated with our Individualized Career Exploration (I.C.E.) students and played human foosball to introduce how to incorporate physical activity into their day. Our labs will join together and partner on various activities and projects throughout the year!
5 months ago, KCCC
Pre-Professional Mentorship students completed a personality assessment to review their character traits, strengths, weaknesses, and common career paths that may line up with their personality. They also completed an Ohio Means Jobs Career Assessment to compare with their personality assessments and viewed possible career paths that may be found in Ohio. Students in Pre-Professional Mentorship explore various career fields and college majors while making connections in local businesses.
5 months ago, KCCC
Brandon McLaughlin, a member of KCCC's Facility Operations team, replaced the flooring in Cosmetology's pedicure room. Great work & much appreciated! Looks fantastic!
5 months ago, KCCC
Lab Safety Training Day at KCCC was held this past Friday, August 25th. Lab instructors trained juniors about the following topics including Child Labor Laws, Success Strategies for Junior Year, Cybersecurity, Electrical Safety, Flammable Liquids, Flammable Gas, Types & Use of Fire, and Fire Extinguishers. Lab instructors trained seniors about the following topics including Artificial Intelligence, Success Strategies for Senior Year, Flammable Liquids, Automotive Safety, Person & Home Safety Strategies, Work Based Learning, Types & Use of Fire, and Fire Extinguishers. Safety is a top priority for us at KCCC!
5 months ago, KCCC
Take the ACT at KCCC - during the school day! Tuesday, October 15, 2024 8:00 am - 12:30 pm Cost: $44.00 Register Below Pay $44.00 to KCCC with Mrs. Addair (KCCC Assistant to the Treasurer) Let your 1st - 7th period teachers know you will be taking the ACT Test on the morning of Tuesday, October 15. The registration deadline is Monday, August 26. Payment is due to Mrs. Addair, KCCC Assistant to the Treasurer, by Wednesday, October 9. Link to registration: https://forms.gle/ycJ6vcvvGvQJtWkSA
5 months ago, KCCC
Mr. Frye, KCCC's Automotive Technology instructor, talked with students about flammable fluids, specifically static electricity at the gas pump, during a lecture in lab on Thursday. Students in Automotive Technology work on vehicles and mechanical systems in a modern automotive environment.
5 months ago, KCCC
Mrs. Marhefka, Mrs. Henry, and Mr. Bellman visited labs recently to talk with students about our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program and to celebrate our students' summer accomplishments. Mrs. Marhefka went over what our PBIS program is all about and students shared about one of their accomplishments over the summer. We are wrapping up our first full week with students at KCCC tomorrow!
5 months ago, KCCC
Chef Bruce prepared Bananas Foster for all of our students and staff at KCCC during our three lunch periods! Our students loved it! Thank you, Chef Bruce!
5 months ago, KCCC
Picture Day is Thursday, August 29th at KCCC. Picture forms were distributed at Schedule Pick-Up Day to students & families. Picture forms are available in your student's English class or in the front office if you didn't attend SPU Day or didn't get a picture form. You can also order pictures online via the website & code in this post. Please email Mr. Bellman at nbellman@knoxcc.org if you have questions. Thank you!
5 months ago, KCCC
Seniors in Cosmetology worked on advanced haircuts in our second week of Cosmetology BootCamp! Our students look forward to opening up to the public in the near future! Stay tuned to our social media (Facebook & Instagram) for upcoming details!
5 months ago, KCCC
Congratulations to Oliver Williams (Culinary Arts), TJ Garven (Building Trades), and Zander Schoonover (Computer Network Technology) on winning the "Guess It Game" in their respective lunch period. Students had to guess how many pieces of candy were in the bin and the winner in each lunch got to keep the candy. We had a great time at lunch today! *Oliver won the Smarties. TJ won the Hershey's. Zander won the Starburst.
5 months ago, KCCC
KCCC's school counselors, Mrs. Bush & Mrs. Nowicki, played a game (Spin the Wheel) during lunch recently. Students had to spin the wheel and had to answer a question (depending on what number it landed on) about an area of KCCC. Everyone who participated was given a piece of candy. Thank you to everyone who participated!
5 months ago, KCCC
Looking forward to our first full week of school! Have a great week!
5 months ago, KCCC
Mrs. Troyer, one of KCCC's math teachers, went over expectations with students during the first week of school. Great to have our staff and students back in the building!
5 months ago, KCCC
KCCC's administration took turns addressing our standards and systems in place for the 2024-2025 school year. Mr. Riggle (pictured in the background) talked with seniors about our new electronic hall pass system at KCCC. Our school year is off to a great start!
5 months ago, KCCC
Thursday, August 15 - All students back to school! We can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
5 months ago, KCCC